Shanghai Auto Show Design Report 2021

The Car Men Design Report for the Shanghai Auto Show 2021 is available

Shanghai  Atmosphere…  2021

The statement of China’s leading position in the world wide automotive market is now almost applicable for its design power. It’s not the question, who is creating the best design, or which is the best design team? It is more the question, which design taste is leading and influencing the world market. Now, the Shanghai show is providing an increasing variety of design styles and material interpretation on an increasing number of vehicle body types, which will be successful in China and later world wide.

CES Las Vegas Design Report 2021

The Car Men Design Report for the CES Las Vegas 2021 is available

CES  Atmosphere…  2021

A bit sad, …compared with last years CES, this time just half of the car manufacturers showed up on the digital show floor of the CES 2021.
But we can learn here that the entire sensual experience und perception of real and virtual products is so crucial for customers’ acceptance and market success. What a challenge for all the established car brands to handle the demands of the digital, – without burning fuel, – without showing real cars, during the learning process that they are not a software driven company… welcome to the electric future with its digital twist.

Beijing Auto Show Design Report 2020

The Car Men Design Report for the Beijing Auto Show 2020 is available

Beijing Atmosphere… 2020
Now, after the Corona lock down, we could take photos on a Motor Show again. The Beijing Show, postponed from April to the end of September, was a typical EV focused event with again lots of new Chinese brands. They have introduced some predictable cars and some exceptions, highlighted here in the report overview. But, it was a real show, not like the Geneva, Paris, Frankfurt, Detroit shows in the old world, all with an unclear future….

Geneva Design Report 2020

The Car Men Design Report for the virtual, due to the Corona-Virus cancelled Geneva Auto Show 2020 is available

Geneva Atmosphere… 2020

The “U-Turn” from GENEVA marks the first time the Car Men team will miss the spring motor show. COVID-19 is the big news this year and as a result most of the manufacturers created a virtual press conference and it is these images which we have used for our report.

Thanks a lot from the Car Men team to all the brands for providing their press images from the vehicles which were planed for the Geneva Show 2020 !!

Please contact us for the full Design Report and further information:

CES Las Vegas Design Report 2020

The Car Men Design Report for the CES Las Vegas Show 2020 is available

Las Vegas CES Atmosphere… 2020

The customers are analysed, they are supported by robots, their needs are foreseen by Artificial Intelligence and the product profiles are getting more and more complex. In contrast to this complex future scenario the overall design development is becoming increasingly clean, crisp and minimalistic but with additional emotional features and some clever HMI.

Please contact us for the full Design Report and further information:

Frankfurt Auto Show Design Report 2019

The Car Men Design Report for the Frankfurt Auto Show 2019 is available

Frankfurt  Atmosphere… 2019

New Mobility ?

The general opinion was this has to be the last IAA in this form. Still a lot of ground to cover but lots of empty spaces and cost cutting.

The question is what makes sense for 2021 ?

Please contact us for the full Design Report and further information:

Shanghai Auto Show Design Report 2019


The Car Men Design Report for the Shanghai Auto Show 2019 is available.

Shanghai Atmosphere… 2019

New & More

The show of “New Newcomers”. More concepts, more new brands, more cars.
An overall trend towards a more reserved design climate in Shanghai.
The show of less risk and less innovative ideas compared to previous years.
There is the feeling that the Chinese brands are now determining the game in the market.

Please contact us for the full Design Report and further information:

Geneva Auto Show Design Report 2019

The Car Men Design Report for the Geneva Auto Show 2019 is available.

Geneva Atmosphere… 2019

Show Blues

After the Paris and Detroit shows and before Frankfurt this years Geneva was again proof
of the Auto Show Blues trend with some significant no shows ! But two directions were remarkable in Geneva
with the contrast of clean compact concepts from Fiat and Honda in contrast
to the exotic and irrational super sports cars from Bugatti and the specialist manufacturers.

Please contact us for the full Design Report and further information:


CES Las Vegas plus Detroit Motor Show Design Report 2019

The Car Men Design Report for the CES Las Vegas plus Detroit Motor Show 2019 is available.


Las Vegas CES 2019 Atmosphere

More than 20 different press conferences had the same core message in Las Vegas:
“We are listening to our customers…
The customers of the digital age are increasingly demanding! ”
If we are considering design taste and preferences as sources for the solution,
than the challenges of the digital age can be solved easier.

Atmosphere… 2019

Thanks to Asia

  • Just future concepts on the show from Japan and China
  • Asian Creativity vs. US Tradition
  • Detroit is looking for a new show format
    like all the other established shows in the Western world.
  • Last Detroit Show in January (new concept summer 2020)

Please contact us for the full Design Report and further information:

Paris Motor Show Design Report 2018

The Car Men Design Report for the Paris Motor Show 2018 is now available.

Paris 2018 Atmosphere …

The initial shock of 14 fewer brands in Paris was soon relieved with the new “Mobility” theme.
From E bikes to motorbikes and a personal drone, we were soon inspired by the potential of this new mix for Paris and other future shows.

Please contact us for the full Design Report and further information: